Update: With a 6-1 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to send House Concurrent Resolution 3013 to the Senate without a recommendation. 

Background: House Concurrent Resolution 3013 would urge the United States Supreme Court to establish marriage as between a man and a woman.

Our position: The ACLU of North Dakota opposes House Concurrent Resolution 3013.

Marriage has long been one way that couples express their love for one another and their commitment to their relationship. All couples who want to get married, make a lifetime commitment to the person they love, and protect their families should be able to do so. 

In June 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges overturned the federal definition of marriage as being “between one man and one woman” and ensured that same-sex couples in all 50 states have the right to get married and have their marriages recognized in whichever state they live.


Rep. Tveit, Rep. K. Anderson, Sen. Clemens, Sen. Enget, Rep. Henderson, Rep. Hoverson, Sen. Lemm, Sen. Magrum, Rep. Morton, Rep. S. Olson, Rep. Rohr, Sen. Weston


Passed House



Bill number

