Update: With a 44-2 vote, Senate lawmakers voted to advance Senate Bill 2193.

Background: Senate Bill 2193 would revise requirements for emotional support animals.

Our position: The ACLU of North Dakota opposes Senate Bill 2193. The ACLU strives for a North Dakota free of discrimination against people with disabilities and where people with disabilities are valued, integrated members of society who have full access to education, homes, health care, jobs, families, voting, and civic engagement.

By appearing to establish firmer requirements than those associated with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Fair Housing Act (FHA) as well as seeking to provides clarity over the difference between an emotional support animal and a service animal, this bill creates concern for potential discrimination of people with disabilities with legitimate need for, and possession of, emotional support animals.


Sen. Lee, Rep. Jonas, Rep. Sanford, Rep. Schreiber-Beck, Sen. Sickler


Passed Senate



Bill number

