Today marks exactly one year since Minneapolis police murdered George Floyd. The whole world bore witness.
As we mark this day, and honor the iconic status Mr. Floyd has gained as the face of a movement for crucial change, we also want to take a moment on this day of remembrance to make sure we honor him as a man.
We can never forget:
- George Floyd was a dad.
- George Floyd was a boyfriend.
- George Floyd was a son, a brother, an uncle, a cousin.
- George Floyd was a friend.
All of that was lost to the world in the 9 minutes and 29 seconds Derek Chauvin knelt on Mr. Floyd's neck, aided by three other officers who helped kill him. It is unfair and wrong that the people who loved Mr. Floyd most have only their memories – and that his brutal murder is now one of them.
One year later, we wish we could report that more has changed. Despite protests across our state, city, and nation, police are still killing people, especially in BIPOC communities. Police killed, on average, three people every day of the Derek Chauvin trial.
Real change has been slow to come.
Today, we hope you'll take a moment to join George Floyd's family and our community in mourning his death and celebrating his life, and doing the same for all of those who've had loved ones killed by police.
We will never forget to Say Their Names, and we must never stop fighting for true justice for them all.
Information via ACLU-MN