Establishing relationships with your elected officials is a vital part of creating long lasting change.
In order to do so, it’s important to do some initial research. The North Dakota legislature’s website is one resource for information on your legislators and the legislative process. It’s where you go to:
- Find contact information for state representatives and senators
- Find out which bills have been introduced and where they are in the process
- Find out which legislators sit on which committees
- Follow them on Twitter
Additional sources of information:
- Follow #NDLeg on Twitter for breaking news and coverage
- Sign up to receive ACLU of North Dakota's e-mails for breaking news and legislative action alerts.
Another great way to research your elected officals is by attending a local townhalls or debates where they will be. These events offer a chance to meet elected officials and find out their position on topics that are important to you. Follow our Facebook page for events and upcoming actions.