Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper can be an extremely effective way to influence public opinion and shape elected officials' views.
Letters to the editor reach a large audience, are often monitored by public officials, can bring up information not addressed in a news article, and can help create the impression of widespread support for or opposition to an issue.
Plus, they’re fun to read. The “Letter to the Editor” section is often one of the most widely read sections of the newspaper!
Keep it short and on one subject
Many newspapers have strict limits on the length of letters and have limited space to publish them. Typically aim for 200 words.
Make it personal
Share your own story or experiences – don't worry about trying to be an expert. Start by talking about who you are, then describe a problem or concern, weave in one to three key statistics or facts about the issue, then talk about a solution or a call to action. If any of your elected officials have a role to play in the issue, mention them by name or clarly call on them to take action.
Send letters to weekly community newspapers. too
Newspapers in larger cities have more readers, but your local weekly newspaper is important, too.
Policymakers usually monitor all publications in their district and it’s important your friends and neighbors hear about your ideas as well.
Include your contact information
Many newspapers will only print a letter to the editor after calling the author to verify their identity and address. Newspapers will not give out that information, and will usually only print your name and city should your letter be published.
Sign it and send it
Pick your favorite North Dakota newspaper from the list below to submit your letter:
- Adams County Record (Hettinger)
- Aneta Star
- Ashley Tribune
- Benson County Farmers Press (Minnewaukan)
- Beulah Beacon
- Billings County Pioneer (Medora)
- Bismarck Tribune
- Bottineau Courant
- Bowman County Pioneer
- Burke County Tribune (Bowbells)
- Carson Press
- Cass County Reporter (Casselton)
- Cavalier Chronicle
- Cavalier County Republican (Langdon)
- Center Republican
- Central McLean News-Journal
- Devils Lake Journal
- Dickey County Leader (Ellendale)
- Dickinson Press
- Dunn County Herald (Killdeer)
- Edgeley Mail
- Edmore Herald
- Emmons County Record (Linton)
- Enderlin Independent
- Fargo Forum
- Foster County Independent (Carrington)
- Glen Ullin Times
- Golden Valley News
- Grand Forks Herald
- Grant County News (Elgin)
- Griggs County Courier (Cooperstown)
- Hatton Free Press
- Hazen Star
- Hebron Herald
- Herald-Press (Harvey)
- Hettinger County Herald
- Hillsboro Banner
- Jamestown Sun
- Kenmare News
- Kulm Messenger
- Lakota American
- LaMoure Chronicle
- Larimore Leader-Tribune
- Litchville Bulletin
- Mandan News
- McClusky Gazette
- McKenzie County Farmer (Watford City)
- McLean County Independent
- McVille Messenger
- Minot Daily News
- Mountrail County Promoter (Stanley)
- Mountrail County Record (Parshall)
- Mouse River Journal (Towner)
- Napoleon Homestead
- Nelson County Arena (Michigan)
- New Rockford Transcript
- New Salem Journal
- New Town News
- News-Monitor (Hankinson)
- Northwood Gleaner
- Oakes Times
- Pembina New Era
- Pierce County Tribune (Rugby)
- Ransom County Gazette (Lisbon)
- Renville County Farmer (Mohall)
- Sargent County Teller (Milnor)
- Steele County Press (Finley)
- Steele Ozone and Kidder County Press
- The Crosby Journal
- Towner County Record-Herald (Cando)
- Traill County Tribune (Mayville)
- Tri-County News (Gackle)
- Tri-County Sun (Fordville)
- Turtle Mountain Star (Rolla)
- Turtle Mountain Times (Belcourt)
- Valley City Times-Record
- Valley News and Views
- Velva Area Voice
- Wahpeton Daily News
- Walhalla Mountaineer
- Walsh County Press (Park River)
- Walsh County Record (Grafton)
- Washburn Leader-News
- Westhope Standard
- Williston Daily Herald
- Wishek Star
Don't see yours on the list? Let us know by emailing [email protected].