Everyone has basic rights under the U.S. Constitution and civil rights laws. Learn more here about what your rights are, how to exercise them, and what to do when your rights are violated.
Leveling the playing field between women and men should be a priority for North Dakota legislators, but House Concurrent Resolution 3037 suggests otherwise.
Making an organization criminally liable for all damage would impermissibly burden the rights of political association that are protected by the First Amendment – the literal embodiment of guilt by association
By passing House Bill 1286 and requiring a conviction before forfeiture, the legislature can rectify serious flaws in state law and establish significant safeguards for innocent North Dakotans.
Law enforcement’s retention of forfeiture proceeds violates two key constitutional principles: due process and separation of powers. By passing House Bill 1286, the legislature can rectify serious flaws in state law and establish significant safeguards for innocent North Dakotans.